Monday, July 16, 2007


I had so much fun in Valemount, other then the first day. I woke up and drank a bottle of water and ate a nectorine. Then I took a nap with Isaiah in the camper because I didnt feel so good. I woke up and ended up puking. I puked up everything I had in me and then I started puking bile. I sat in the car for 4 hours with air conditioning. Then I took some gravel and felt better. I think I got heat stroke. Also one night my Aunts dog wouldnt go inside her tent, and so she stayed outside until we heard her barking constantly. I heard my Aunt get up and start yelling "get the **** out a here." Then one of my cousins came outa the camper and started making funny noises like "ooogga booo ooooooo." There was a wolf I guess and it wasnt very afraid. I had a hard time sleeping because I was soo paranoid that it was gonna come eat my puppy.
The whole time we were there it was inbetween 35 and 38 degrees. It was soo hot. Isaiah couldnt even wear clothes till bedtime. We had a 5 minute sprinkle but that was it.
The other baby below is my cousins baby Willow. She is 3 weeks younger and she has a full head of hair! Shes so cute. When we showed them each other Isaiah kept trying to reach for her, and she tried a couple of times too. It was so adorable.
I really wish I could have stayed 1 more night, because most people showed up the day before we left. But its not all that bad because I am seeing my cousins in a couple weeks when I got to Edmonton, and my Grandpa is staying in Valemount for another 5 days and coming home with my Uncle to visit for 5 days.
My one cousin brought his quad and we went aways up a mountain across the highway. If we had gone another 20 minutes or so up we would have hit snow. It was such a nice view too.

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