Saturday, September 22, 2007

Josh's Birthday & Orphanage

I hosted Josh's 11th Birthday today. I felt very privaledged too! My friend ended up coming for it too and helping. The kids came at 4:30, played kick the can, then ate hot dogs and fries. They played xbox and we went Cosmic bowling. After bowling we came back and had cake. Which I just realised as I am typing this that I forgot to bring the ice cream out. Anyway.. then we did a treasure hunt. I thought a couple of the clues where funny. Here they are.

1. Roses are red, Violets are blue, if you want your friggen candy go find the next clue! (flower bed)

2. Where I build, and where I play. In the backyard I spend all day. (tree fort)

3. Monday through Friday I get a visit. (mailbox)

4. Hibbity Hop dont Stop (rabbit pen)

5. Fixing Or Repair Daily (stephs car FORD)

6. I rhyme with pamper and hamper (camper)

7. G ot M y C andy (GMC, candy was in back of truck)

Then the party was over and I drove them home. Thank you Michelle Beckley if you read my blog, for lending me your van!

Now about the orphange. There is a orphange in Mexico, and they have hardly any volunteers. I think like two people run it. The kids are all boys ages 5 to 14. Me and Stephanie plan to go there next summer, and I can bring Isaiah. They have an orphange van too haha. I think it would be such a good expierance to help out.

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