Thursday, November 01, 2007


I didnt go trick or treating this year. It was my first year not going. However i did go out. Pastor Don & his wife had a party called the harvest. it was mostly for little kids but it was fun to go and hang out with the other kids our age. i played a bit of games, hit goliath in the head with a sling shot, haha.. i gave my prizes to random kids. i was a lady bug and isaiah was a chilly pepper. i will post pics when i get them. malachi and mitch had great costumes lol. malachi had plad pants on rolled up into capris with suspenders. it was so cute and funny and mitch had a mop on his head, a wetsuit and those flapper things divers where on their feet. rhys was a pumpkin, erika was her dad. i was going to go trick or treating but i didnt wanna get fat lol. yup it was a good night

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Good times! I need to see Isaiah as a pepper lol