Saturday, August 30, 2008

Life as it Stands.

So I moved back to Terrace today. I dont know if it is good or bad. Was a little confused whethere God wanted me to stay or to come back for school. I absolutley love it in Smithers. Just being surrounded by christians twentyfour seven is awesome! I got accepted at NWCC for Automotive Mechanics. Still havent told my parents yet though. . They will be proud but Id rather them think Im just doing highschool. If they find out they find out, wont bother me but if they dont and I go back to Paces in January after finishing the 1st year mechanics course it will be funny! So I start Tuesday.

A few weeks ago when I came back for a visit I went to Cell at Chris & Christy's and took on a challenge Chris had been doing. He reads 5 Psalms a day and 1 Proverb. So I started doing it the next day and I am almost done Psalms. Im also reading in Exodus and half done that.


Darci said...

Wow, moving lots??
God bless with school!

Chris said...

The best thing about that challenge is the month starts over when your done Psalms and Proverbs so you get to start them over too!!

starla said...

psalms and proverbs are two of my favorite books for sure! Good job starting this challenge! Oh the joys of moving. I totally understand moving and seeking Gods will in it!