Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Wow, I am really depressed! Back at Paces & Cal finishing up my stuff for Grad. I miss being at the college so much! I just loved working on cars everyday and flirting with Connor and hanging out with all my friends up there and having freedom. Now I am back in reg dumb school where you have to listen to the teacher and follow the bell school. You just dont have freedom it sucks! But I am hoping to be done in 4 weeks or so. It wont take me long to finish whats gotta get done. Next week I am going to Van on the 21st, then coming back on the 23rd for the Skills Canada Competition. I cant wait to go shopping! Then 24th to 26th I am going camping. Gonna rig up my truck to have lights for my trailer. My old truck has the exact same connectors as my trailer so I have to go take them off it before I haul it away. I just cant wait!


Tamara said...

Have fun in Vancouver!!! :) I hope you win a massive trophy!

Lynnie Ha said...

u can slog through and get done what needs to be done!!!! you go!!!

have fun camping, and i'm SO EXCITED about your skills canada trip!!!! ROCK THEIR SOCKS, girl!!!!!! WHOO!!!