Friday, October 26, 2007

Youth Group & Carhartts

I went to youth group tonight. The youth leaders are pastor Dons daughter, and son in law. They have a son a couple weeks older than Isaiah. It was cute, they played together for awhile. Their youth group had was 3 girls, and 3 boys excluding the leaders and me. They all have a good realationship with God. I love youth groups like that. I have been to some in Terrace, where it is just a bunch of kids that go to hang out, and they dont go for God. And im not speaking of Haven Youth. I love my youth group back home. Anyway, the youth leader wants to get together so the babies can play together again. They are so cute together! She also gave me a pair of carhartts. So cute! I had a good night!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Glad you could go and have a good time!