Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So I got suspended from work today for "slapping erin" even though I didnt. She is denying what she said to me and she isnt in trouble for anything. I am really mad about this especially considering the fact not working is putting me out alot of money and I spent too much on my visa! I talked to her tonight and asked her why she would say I slapped her across the face when I didnt and shes like you did Jenna and I got mad and called her a two faced self concieted cu**. I shouldnt of done that but I was really angry. Probably dug myself in a deeper whole. If the store manager had been here none of this wouldve happened because she wouldve talked to me before bringing this to head office.

1 comment:

Darci said...

Girl you need to control your temper. You only have a few more days left..