Wednesday, December 03, 2008


All I can say is WOW. I have not had so much school in my life.

Yesterday I went to school at 830 - 230 Automotive, 230 - 4 Math, 6 - 930 Airbrakes
Today 830 - 230 Automotive 230 - 3 Math 6 -9 Airbrakes
Tomorow 830 - 230 Automotive 230 - 4 Science/Math (whichever i want to do) 6 - 9 Airbrakes
Friday 830 - 530 Occupational First Aid 6 - 9 Airbrakes.



Lynnie Ha said...

WOW is right!!!! you hard worker you... good on ya.

this too shall pass. ;)

Tamara said...

Welcome to my life!