Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Isaiah's Roughest Week

Isaiah had a rough week. His 1 year shots he got on the 25th and they kicked in a couple days later and he got a fever for 3-4 days then a rash on his whole body I think its chicken pox, it looks like it anyways. He also got a stomach flu, probably from daycare, and passed it on to my mom, then my dad, then me and now my brother. On top of that he hit his head and got a cut on his head, and he bit his lip! I feel so bad for him!


Anonymous said...

Ah poor little guy. I hope he's doing better. Did you take him to the doctor to find out for sure if it was chicken pox?? Praying for him, you and your family. :)

joni said...

aww jenna .. rough week is right!
aww i hope everyone heals quickly ...

*sometimes the vaccines will give babes a really bad reaction...only one of my boyz went that route .. (thank God).. sending up some prayers for you*