Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Compare the dresses of the flower girls from Keanas wedding, and Isaiahs 3rd cousins wedding lol. Theyre the same..
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I went to church this morning. pastor don was happy to see me. I left Isaiah in nursery, which is the churches second time, and Shelby was in nursery so she knows Isaiah pretty good because i have been at her house for a week now. Isaiah hasnt slept since 830 his morning when we got up to get ready for church and its no 430. After church we went to the pastors house for a potluck which they have every last sunday of the month. Isaiah was really happy today. He played the whole day by hiself and with Rhys the youth leaders baby boy. It was really fun. I know most of the people in the church now. Alot of them are Isaiahs family. I met his Great Great Uncle today, and he was really nice. I kept bugging him about being a Great Great Uncle since he is probably younger than my dad. Anyway I had a good day.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Sad Today
Today I have been sad all day. I cant get my baby girl out of my mind. I keep praying she will show up soon. It has been over a week since she was taken. I am really hoping I will get her back, but I am starting to loose hope. I want to go back to prince george and knock on every door in the city to find her, but obviously that is not realistic. I cant let her go tho. I keep dreaming of the moment when I get her back. And then I keep worrying about her growing up and me not recognising her and her forgetting me. Im soooo sad.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Youth Group & Carhartts
I went to youth group tonight. The youth leaders are pastor Dons daughter, and son in law. They have a son a couple weeks older than Isaiah. It was cute, they played together for awhile. Their youth group had was 3 girls, and 3 boys excluding the leaders and me. They all have a good realationship with God. I love youth groups like that. I have been to some in Terrace, where it is just a bunch of kids that go to hang out, and they dont go for God. And im not speaking of Haven Youth. I love my youth group back home. Anyway, the youth leader wants to get together so the babies can play together again. They are so cute together! She also gave me a pair of carhartts. So cute! I had a good night!
Maybe Ill Be a Trucker
I went for a ride in a semi today from Smithers to Morris Town with Mary's boyfriend Cliff. Mary is Isaiahs great Grandma. He even has Great Great Aunts and Uncles, and a Great Great Grandma in Smithers. Its kool! Anyway Cliff even let me drive it down a road. I am thinking of becoming a truck driver. They get paid more than a teacher. And alot of trucking companies would pay me to take the course once I get rid of my N. And then I wouldnt have to take 4 years of college or university. It would be kool too because I can take Isaiah on the road with me depending on who I am working for!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Anyone here
Does anyone read my blog. I never have any comments. So if you do let me know before I shut this down!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I just made a really good meal! If you want to make it you will need
1 Carrot
2 Nugget potatoes
Half of a Medium Onion
A bit of grated cheese of preferance .. i used extra old cheddar
Cut the Carrot & potatoes up and cook them. At the same time take a frying pan and melt a bit of butter and cook the onion. When carrot & potatoes are cooked, mash or blend them until theyre like baby food! put in a bowl, top with onion when done cooking, and then with cheese. Its really good & healthy!
A Walk
I took a walk yesterday around 5 with Isaiah. I had him in my backpack carrier. He fell asleep on the way home. I enjoyed the walk even though it was a bit chilly. I love farms. There is just somthing about them that makes me happy. I had a laugh as I walked by the several cows in the field. As soon as they seen me they started booting it in the other direction, hense the fact I was on the other side of the fence, not even very close to them! When I was walking it felt almost as if I was walking with God. I was praying most of the walk. I plan on walking on tonight as well but I am going to pull one of Isaiahs snow suits out of the rooftop carrier so he can be a bit warmer! He never made any wimpers yesterday but his poor hands were a red as a cherry! Anyway I must go, as I have things in life awaiting my presence!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Healthy Day
I have been eating out for over 2 weeks. Now I am not! It feels great to have a good meal. I had an orange for breakfeast, then I went downtown to a grocery store and bought some lettuce and tomatos. I just made a salad. It consists of lettuce, tomato, croutons, garden fresh carrot, and boiled eggs. Yummmy.. When I get home I want to eat a salad everyday. They are my favourite. For dinner I am thinking of having Santa Fe Sweet Corn with Chipolte soup. It feels good to eat healthy. Im so sick of eating garbage! I swear my jeans are tighter.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Off The Road
I was driving last night on the highway, and it was dark. I was coming around around a corner at about 100kmh when I hit some gravel. I totally lost control, slammed on the breaks and did a donut in the middle of the road, and ended up on the other side of the road. I thank God there werent any cars from either direction in sight. Me & Isaiah could have been hurt!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
1st Time Pulled Over
I got pulled over for the first time today. I didnt yield slow enough to a cop, yet there were two lanes.. thats why! And then I changed lanes too fast? Didnt know there was such a thing. He gave me a warning and said a cop was questioning my driving in Edmonton on the 16th. Thats the day I left Edmonton. He let me off with a warning. I didnt have Isaiah with me at the time. Henny and Nathan took him for the night. He asked me if I was living in my car lol.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Life stinks like sweaty armpits and dirty diapers
Yesterday I arrived in Prince George. I went to Pet Cetera to book Maiya a hair cut. When I came out I put her down, and buckled Isaiah into his car seat. I then got into the car forgetting about her, and I drove to the pound to find her a friend. When I arrived at the pound I realised I had left her. I went straight back and looked around yelling for her. Erika went in to ask if anyone had brought her in and they said no. I went to the radio stations to leave an advertisment, then went back to Pet Cetera to cancel my appointment for her. The lady said an old lady came in with her and said she found her in the parking lot, and asked her husband if she could take her but her husband said no, so a lady in her 30s with glasses said she would, and took her. She didnt leave her name or number. I went back to the pound and filled out a lost dog report. I went to Burns Lake for the night, and then this morning Erika caught the bus to Smithers to visit her mom, and I called the groomers in Prince George to tell them my dog was due for a haircut and she hasnt been groomed before and too call me if a Shih Tzu puppy came about. I printed out 25 missing posters which costed $25. Very expensive considering I need to make more. I think I will make black and white ones this time tho as they are alot cheaper and I could afford to put one at each business. I have probably prayed 20 times today for her. I really hope God answers this prayer. Maiya is my baby girl and I love her to death. If I get her back I am going to feel the need to spoil her with doggy clothes and treats. I feel bad for her, as she is attatched to me and is probably missing me right now! In the summer my dad took her home from Edmonton, and I came home a little over a week later and she greeted for over half an hour. Please pray I will get my little girl back!
Im staying at Hennys tonight. We had chicken tortillas tonight. They were delicious! 180 is tomorow I am exited for that..
Friday, October 05, 2007
I felt God spoke these verses to me yesterd@y & tod@y.
Loy@l people dont st@y down long; soo theyre up on their feet, while the wicked end up fl@t on their f@ces. - Proverbs 24:16
Do not fret bec@use of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong. - Ps@lm 37:1
For where you h@ve envy @nd selfish @mbition, there you find disorder @nd every evil pr@ctice. - J@mes 3:16
Be still before the LORD @nd w@it p@tiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their w@ys, when they c@rry out their wicked schemes. - Ps@lm 37:7
B@by Food
I love m@king b@by food. Since I st@rted Is@i@h on solids, ive m@de fresh b@by food everyd@y, other then @ j@r of prunes I bought to relieve consitip@tion, @nd @ j@r of green be@ns one d@y becus I found myself to occupied. I h@ve only given him green/yellow/purple be@ns (which turn d@rk green when cooked) so f@r. I m@de pumpkin this morning since I will be in @ hotel l@ter tonite, & it will be h@rder to do. I c@n just keep it in the trunk of my c@r since it is so cold. I w@lked out to my c@r @ couple moments @go & it w@s frosen. I @m just w@iting for Erik@ to come home. She spent the night @ her d@ds l@st night & h@d to sign some p@pers this morning for some l@nd of her d@ds, i think she is h@lf owner or somthing. @nyw@y i Sh@ll be on the ro@d soon. Need to be c@reful since it frose l@st night. The ro@ds c@n be slippery.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Le@ving Tomorow
I @m le@ving Smithers tomorow to Edmonton. Not sure wh@t town were going to spend the night, sure @s heck not j@sper, @s @ hotel would be like 200 bux h@h@.. Tod@y I h@d @ pig. My school h@d @ thing c@lled the "PIG GIG"... get together where they ro@sted @ pig. Looked grosse but it w@s the best pork I h@ve h@d. Juicy & tender.. h@h@. Before th@t we did w@ll climbing, w@lley b@ll, & scoo@sh (the keybo@rd is messed up becus Shelby spilt somthing on it so 4 letteers dont work). I left the @ctivities e@rly so Is@i@h could h@ve @ n@p. Before I left I st@rted my c@r, @nd Erik@s neighbor c@me out pointing to down to the bum of my c@r. I opened the door @nd he s@id "you know you h@ve @ fl@t right?" I w@s like "oh my. no I didnt". He got @nother neighbor to put my sp@re on, then I went @nd got it fixed. I drove over @ n@il. Either in the drivew@y or somewhere else with @ slow le@k. Tod@y I w@s thinking of the n@me Elij@h due to the f@ct someone @sked me if Is@i@h w@s Elij@h. Inf@ct Siren@, you should n@me your boy it... I love it so much. If I w@s preggo now, with @ boy th@t would be his n@me. But th@t wont be h@ppening for ten ye@rs. M@by more.. I @m not re@dy to be in @ rel@tionship with @nyone. I w@nt to focus on gr@du@ting, & the orph@ns in mexico th@t I will be meeting in the summer
Monday, October 01, 2007
Im Worth $670
[x] Blonde $50
[] Highlighted Blonde $40
[] Brunette $45
[]Dark brown / black $50
[] Reddish brown $30
[] Other $15
[x] Blue $25
[] Green $15
[] brownish green $20
[]light Brown $20
[] Dark brown $20
[] Grayish $15
[] Hazel $20
[] Under 5' $20
[x]5'1"- 5 5' $30
[] 5'6"-6' $40
[] Over 6' $35
[] No idea $25
[x] 13-17 $30
[] 18-20 $20
[] 20-30 $25
[] 30-40 $15
[] Elementary School $15
[] Middle School (grade 7th to ninth) $25
[] Freshman (9th grade) $15
[] Quit high school $5
[x] Still in high school (grade ten through twelve) $30
[] GED $10
[] High School Graduate $50
[] In College $75
[] Two year degree $85
[] Four year degree $100
[] Higher degree $125
Total So Far:$165
[] Only child $15
[] First born $40
[x] Last born $20
[] Middle child $30
[] Adopted $20
Total So Far: $185
[] Yes $1
[x] No $50
[] Quit $5
Total So Far:$235
[] Gold $50
[] Red $30
[] Blue $45
[x] Green $50
[] Silver $45
[] White $15
[] Black $40
[] Other $20
[] No Car $100
Total So Far:$275
Shoe Size:
[] below thirteen $15
[] thirteen to a one $20
[] two to three to four $5
[] five to six $45
[x]seven to eight $50
[] nine and ten $40
[]11 and up$ 50
Total So Far:$325
[] White $0
[] Cream $30
[] Black $5
[]Purple $45
[] Red $20
[]Blue $50
[]Orange $10
[x] Pink $10
[] Yellow $15
[] Green $50
[] Brown $75
[] Other $10
Total So Far:$335
Mulitply by two. = $670